A Bruised
Reed ‘He will not Break…’
Isa 42:3 A bruised reed shall he not break,
and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring
forth judgment unto truth.
Part 1
A reed is a slender plant of about
0.9millimeters; it is a very delicate plant easy to break with just a moving
wind. And despite the fragile nature of this plant, it is of immerse benefit
such as our water treatment i.e Phytoremediation water treatment. It is also
good in thatching of roofs and in making Iran & neigh of musical instrument.
It is not suffice to say that the numerous part of a reed can be prepared for
consumption most especially when grounded into powder can be made into flour.
With all these benefits, a reed
plant is not without its limitations and weakness. The greatest weakness in a
reed plant is its fragile stern. This is the description used in the scripture
to describe the character of our great intercessor [Jesus Christ]. It says ”a bruised reed will He not break”.
A reed is liking to a plant at the
mercies of its tenderer, it can easily be broken with a slight blow of wind on
it. This pictured a life that can easily be broken or disturbed by a slight
emotional stimuli. A life that can be easily manipulated, broken and battered
by happening in his/ her environment
Have you ever seen yourself as a
reed plant? You have been broken in heart by many unfaithful friends and
relationships! Jesus is saying, He has not giving up on you!”. You will not
break completely, He has the power to make you grow and bud again. Even though
you have been wounded by many of life challenges and unpleasant situations. He
has not giving up on you. Jesus is the greatest repairer of life, He has the
power to mend and make your life better again and again, and all you need to do
is to come boldly unto Him.
As a reed plant is a potential
musical instrument, so also your reed (life) can still bring that sweet
melodies again. It can still be useful as thatching roof of protection and
defence for your family and church. Moses was drawn out of the water where his
mother had placed him in a reed basket to save him from the death that had been
decreed by the Pharaoh against the first born (Exodus 2:10). As a reed is
useful for boat making and can float in the most turbulent of water, your life
boat can still float again in the midst of the ranging water of life.
Remember what the scripture says “He
uses the foolish thing of this world to confound the wise”, people may count
you foolish, useless and good for nothing, even your family (parent), friends
and even fellow believers may not see anything good in you. Be glad that you
have a great intercessor who will not break you by reason of your weakness!
You are the kind Jesus came for!
Those that are whole need not a doctor, He came to the world for the weak, to
make you strong by His resurrection power.
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